Internet Instructions – March 2006 (II)

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21 March 2006

Please immediately delete “Nationwide, 109 Professors Issue Open Letter to Call for Resistance Against Academic Corruption”.

20 March 2006

Please immediately delete the article about a doctoral supervisor at Wuhan University who is suspected to be involved in plagiarism.  Please acknowledge receipt, thank you.

20 March 2006

Information Office Notice (Fan Tao): please immediately delete the article “Strike Incident of More than 200 Shops in Beijing Yashow Fashion Market”.

19 March 2006

Concerning reports on the “Yuan Baojing Hired Murder Case” are not to be played up by all websites, corresponding information is to be pushed to the back stage without exception, close news trackers, forums are also not to discuss this. The concrete implementation is: it may be reported on channels, columns, communities and banners, but not put on the front page; forums may issue standard or simplified copy from Xinhua Net, etc., items playing this up or inciting matters are to be deleted.

18 March 2006

Everyone, according to Japanese media reports, a number of Japanese members of parliament are planning to inspect the Diaoyu Islands on 20 March, this matter remains to be verified, and is not to be reported for the moment without exception, for relevant reporting, use Xinhua copy without exception, forums and blogs are not to discuss this matter, do not send short messages.

18 March 2006

Supervision and management information notice from the Information Office: everyone, concerning the case of a Japanese female student being attacked yesterday evening at Beijing Language and Culture University, there is to be no reporting without exception, forums are not to discuss this, please at the same time notify all blogs and search engines.

18 March 2006

Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Network Supervision Office notice: brothers, very sorry, tomorrow, focus on supervising and controlling information on Japan, and information on assemblies and demonstrations related to japan. If it is there, immediately call 85223522

17 March 2006

On the case of consumers suing the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, and requiring to convene a special hearing on “dispute settlement on water resources and water pricing”, please do not put it on the main page of web sites and the main page of news centres, and close trackers. Please acknowledge receipt, thank you.

17 March 2006

Please delete articles corresponding to “Wen Jiabao Attends East Asia Summit and Responds to Stupid Ichiro Koizumi’s Though Speech, Shock!!!!!!” or “Of China’s Present 599 Intercontinental Nuclear Missiles, 299 Nuclear Missiles Are Aimed At Japan” if you see them afterwards, because their content involves State secrets.

16 March 2006

The source of the article “During the Two Meetings, Beijing Puts In 165.000 Police Man Hours and Sends Away 2000 Beggars” is incorrect, please delete it.

15 March 2006

Please do not put the Capital Daily article “Special Interview with Huang Fuping: Guard Against Denying Reform Under the Name of Revisionism” on the front page of websites, in the important news area, putting it in the domestic news section will do, at the same time, close trackers on this news. Please acknowledge receipt, thank you.

12 March 2006

Please do not put the case of “an explosion in a house in Leye District, Guangxi, killing nine and injuring four” on the front page of websites and in the important news section, do not set up special subjects.

It is stressed again that the case of the strange death of Milosevic is not to be played up.








北京市公安局网监处通知:兄弟们,辛苦了,明天重点监控涉日信息,涉日集会、游行的信息。有就立刻打电话 85223522


“温总理出席东亚峰会回应小犬蠢一郎强硬发言,震撼!!!!!!” 或者是“中国现有的五百九十九枚州际核导弹中的二百九十九枚核导弹是对准日本的” 由于个中内容涉及国家机密,请以后看到相关的文章请予删除。







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