Television Drama Management Regulations

Posted on Updated on

15 June 2000

SARFT Decree No. 2


Chapter I: General principles

Article 1: In order to strengthen television drama management, develop television drama undertakings, promote the construction of a socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization, according to the “Radio and Television Management Regulations”, these Regulations are formulated.


Article 2: These Regulations apply to conducting activities such as television drama production, examination, import, export, distribution, broadcast, etc., in the territory of the People’s Republic of China.


Article 3: When engaging in activities such as television drama production, examination, distribution and broadcast, the orientation of serving the People and serving Socialism must be upheld.


Article 4: The State implements a permit system over links such as television drama production, import and distribution. It is prohibited to rent, lend, sell, transfer or covertly transfer all sorts of television drama permits.


Article 5: The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television is responsible for television drama management work nationwide. Provincial-level administrative radio, film and television entities according to these Regulations are responsible for television drama management work in their administrative areas.


Article 6: The State grants awards to work units and individuals having made clear contributions to television drama undertaking development.


Chapter II: Television drama production

Article 7: Establishment of a television drama production work unit, shall be approved by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. When producing television dramas, a “Television Drama Production Permit” must be held.


Article 8: Applications for a “Television Drama Production Permit”, must conform to the following conditions:

1, having organizational structures and specialized personnel suited for the work;

2, having funds suited for the work;

3, having specialized equipment needed for the work.

Examination and approval of the “Television Drama Production Permit”, apart from complying with the conditions in the above paragraph, shall also conform to the television drama production development plan formulated by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television


Article 9: Applications for the “Television Drama Production Permit”, shall be reported to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television for examination and approval according to the provided procedure.

“Television Drama Production Permit” management rules are formulated elsewhere by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.


Article 10: The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television implements quantitative control and dynamic management over television drama production work units and “Television Drama Production Permits”.


Article 11: In television drama production, a producer (i.e. the legal representative of the producing work unit) responsibility system is implemented. The producer is responsible over the complete production activities of the television drama production work unit.

Television drama production shall implement scientific cost calculation, and accept auditing supervision.


Article 12: Provincial-level or higher administrative radio, film and television entities, through developing television drama theme planning, strengthen television drama production guidance, coordination and service.


Article 13: Television drama production work units producing major revolutionary or history-themed television dramas, may only commence filming work after reporting for approval according to relevant State Administration of Radio, Film and Television regulations.


Article 14: Television drama production work units may only coproduce television dramas with Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, or foreigners (hereafter simply named “international coproduced television dramas”) after completely producing the amount of domestic television dramas as provided by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.

International coproduction television dramas shall be reported to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television for approval in advance by the domestic side according to the provided procedures, and shall obey the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, and respect the customs and habits of all China’s ethnicities.

The domestic side is responsible for  conducting concrete management over the coproduced television drama according to relevant State provisions and both parties’ agreement.


Article 15: International coproduction television dramas are divided into the three methods of joint production, assisted production and entrusted production.

Joint production is the television drama production method whereby the domestic partner and the foreign partner jointly invest, arrange main creative personnel together, enjoy profits together and bear risks together. Joint production shall persist in the principle of the domestic partner leading, both parties jointly determine the script, and jointly invest; the domestic side’s main creative personnel may not be less than 1/3; the domestic side must take part in the complete production work process; the copyright is held jointly by both sides; both parties jointly sign their names.

Assisted production is the television drama production method whereby the foreign side invests and provides the main creative personnel, and the domestic side provides labour or equipment, materials or venues as assistance, completely or partly shot in domestic settings, and both parties conduct revenue sharing according to an agreement.

Entrusted production is the method whereby the foreign side entrusts the domestic side to produce domestically according to relevant regulations.


Article 16: For engagement of foreign acting or functionary personnel in domestic television drama production, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television shall be reported to for approval according to relevant regulations.


Article 17: Where provincial (regional, municipal) and lower television drama production work units must go abroad to film television dramas, they shall, after reporting in advance to the provincial-level administrative radio, film and television entity of their locality, examination, verification and agreement, report to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television for approval; central and State organs and their undertaking work units’ subordinate television drama production work units, after reporting to the higher level controlling authority, examination, verification and agreement, report to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television for approval. Only after approval may they go abroad for filming.


Article 18: Television drama copyright holders enjoy copyright over the television dramas they produced according to the law. Except where laws or administrative regulations provide otherwise, any work unit and individual using television drama works, shall obtain permission from the television drama copyright holder.


Article 19: The State encourages all circles of society to participate in television drama production through investment or financial aid methods, concrete rules will be formulated separately by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.


Chapter III: Television drama examination

Article 20: Television dramas not having passed through examination by a television drama examination organ established by the provincial-level or higher administrative radio, film and television entity and not having obtained a “Television Drama Distribution Permit”, may not be distributed, broadcast, imported or exported.


Article 21: The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television establishes a Television Drama Examination Committee, responsible for examining International coproduction television dramas, imported television dramas, domestic television dramas engaging foreign acting and functionary personnel to participate in production and television dramas produced by central work units’ subordinate television drama production work units as well as jointly produced with local work units while using the central work units’ “Television Drama Production Permit”.

Provincial level administrative radio, film and television entities establish provincial-level television drama examination organs, responsible for examining television dramas produced by television drama production work units in their jurisdiction or jointly produced with work units from outside the jurisdiction while using the local work unit’s “Television Drama Production Permit”.

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television establishes a Television Drama Re-examination Committee, responsible for conducting re-examination of submitting work units not accepting the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Television Drama Examination Committee or provincial-level television drama examination organ examination conclusion and having put forward an application for re-examination.


Article 22: Television dramas may not contain the following content:

(1) violating national unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity;

(2) endangering national security, honour and interests;

(3) inciting ethnic separatism, destroying ethnic unity;

(4) divulging State secrets;

(5) slandering or libelling others;

(6) propagating sex, superstition or playing up violence;

(7) propagating racial, sexual or regional discrimination;

(8) other content prohibited by law or administrative regulations and rules.


Article 23: Domestic television drama production work units and international coproduction television dramas’ domestic side shall after completing television drama production, according to regulations report to the corresponding television drama examination organ for examination

Imported television dramas are reported by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television-appointed television drama import organ to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Television Drama Examination Committee for examination.


Article 24: Television drama examination organs shall within 30 days of receiving the complete television drama submission materials, put forward a revision or editing opinion or an examination conclusion, and notify the submitting work unit in writing. Those passing examination, shall be issued a “Television Drama Distribution Permit”.

The “Television Drama Distribution Permit” is printed uniformly by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.


Article 25: Where submitting work units disagree with the television drama examination decision, they may within 15 days of receiving the examination decision, put forward a written re-examination application with the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Television Drama Re-examination Committee. The Television Drama Re-examination Committee shall within 20 days of receiving the re-examination application and the complete television drama re-examination materials, make a re-examination conclusion, and notify the submitting work unit in writing.


Article 26: Television dramas already having obtained a “Television Drama Distribution Permit”, may not be altered in distribution, broadcast, import or export. Those truly needing to be altered, shall be examined afresh according to regulations.


Chapter IV: Television drama import and export.

Article 27: Import of television dramas is to be conducted by State Administration of Radio, Film and Television-appointed organs according to the provided procedure. Any other work unit or individual may not engage in television drama import work.


Article 28: Television drama production work units may export or entrust other organs to export the television dramas they produced and that obtained a “Television Drama Distribution Permit”.


Article 29: For import and export of television dramas, corresponding formalities shall be conducted with Customs according to relevant State regulations.


Article 30: Provincial (region, municipal) and lower work units participating in foreign-related television drama exchange activities such as television drama foreign television expos or television festivals, etc., shall after reporting to the provincial-level administrative radio, film and television entity, examination and agreement, report to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television for approval. Central and State organ subordinate work units report directly to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television for approval.

Television dramas participating in activities such as foreign television expos, television festivals, etc., must obtain a “Television Drama Distribution Permit” in advance.


Article 31: Management rules for importing and transmitting television dramas using methods such as information networks, satellites, etc., will be formulated by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television elsewhere.


Chapter V: Television drama distribution and broadcast

Article 32: Television drama production work units may distribute or entrust other organs to distribute according to State regulations the domestic television dramas that they produced and obtained a “Television Drama Distribution Permit” for.

Organs engaging in imported television drama distribution are appointed by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.


Article 33: For organizing international-level or interprovincial television festivals, television drama expos, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television shall be reported to for approval; for organizing television festivals or television drama expos inside provinces, the administrative radio, film and television entity of that province shall be reported to for approval.


Article 34: Radio and television broadcast organs shall according to relevant provisions of laws, regulations and rules broadcast television dramas, and persist in the system of examination before broadcast.


Article 35: Of the daily programme set broadcast by television stations, the broadcast time of imported television dramas may not exceed 25% per cent of the total amount of broadcasts, and during the golden hours (18.00 through 22.00) may not exceed 15%.

Concrete management rules for television drama broadcast are formulated elsewhere by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television.


Article 36: For television dramas already having obtained a “Television Drama Distribution Permit”, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television may in special circumstances decided to order revision, editing or cessation of distribution, import, export or broadcast. Production, distribution, import, export and broadcast organs must implement the relevant decision.


Chapter VI: Punishment provisions

Article 37: In case of violation of these Regulations, where one of the following acts is present, the county-level or higher People’s Government administrative radio, film and television entity orders cessation of the unlawful activity, issues a warning, and may also impose a fine of 30.000 Yuan or less:

(1) unauthorized organs importing television dramas without being appointed;

(2) unauthorized organs distributing imported television dramas without being appointed;

(3) importing or distribution of television dramas not having obtained a “Television Drama Distribution Permit”;

(4) without approval, unauthorized participation in foreign-related television drama exchange activities such as television expos, television festivals, etc., or unauthorized use of television dramas not having obtained ad “Television Drama Distribution Permit” in activities such as foreign television expos, television festivals, etc.;

(5) wilful alteration of television dramas having obtained a “Television Drama Distribution Permit”, and using them in distribution, broadcast, import or export;

(6) renting, lending, selling, transferring or covertly transferring all kinds of television drama permits;

(7) not implementing a State Administration of Radio, Film and Television decision to order in special circumstances the revision or editing, or cessation of distribution, import, export, or broadcast of television dramas already having obtained a “Television Drama Distribution Permit”.


Article 38: In case of violation of these Regulations, where one of the following acts is present, the county-level or higher People’s Government administrative radio, film and television entity orders cessation of the unlawful activity, grants a warning, confiscates unlawful gains, and may also impose a fine of 20.000 Yuan or less; where circumstances are grave, the original approving organ shall revoke permits:

(1) broadcasting television dramas produced by work units not having a television drama production permit;

(2) broadcasting imported television dramas not having obtained a “Television Drama Distribution Permit”;

(3) broadcasting imported television dramas in excess of time provisions;

(4) without approval, unauthorized organization of television festivals or television drama expos.


Article 39: In cases of violation of these Regulations, where one of the following acts is present, the county-level or higher People’s Government administrative radio, film and television entity orders cessation of the unlawful activity, grants a warning or issues a ban, confiscates tools, equipment and programme media used in the unlawful activity, and may also impose a fine of more than 10.000 but less than 50.000 Yuan; where circumstances are grave, the original approving organ shall revoke permits:

(1) without obtaining a television drama production permit, unauthorized production of television dramas used for distribution, export or broadcast;

(2) without approval, unauthorized production of major revolutionary or history-themed television dramas or unauthorized television drama coproduction with foreign partners;

(3) broadcasting or exporting of domestic television dramas not having obtained a “Television Drama Distribution Permit”.


Article 40: The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and all county-level or higher People’s Government administrative radio, film and television entities’ administrative law enforcement personnel, abusing their power, dereliction their duty or engaging in favouritism and committing irregularities in television drama supervision work, shall be subject to administrative sanctions according to the law; where it constitutes a crime, it shall be submitted to the relevant organs to prosecute criminal liability.


Chapter VII: Supplementary provisions

Article 41: For feature films used for television broadcast, these Regulations apply.


Article 42: These Regulations take effect from the day of promulgation. In case of any contradiction between regulations or normative documents with these Regulations, these Regulations take precedence.

(2000年6月15日国家广电总局第 2 号)

第一章 总 则
第一条 为了加强电视剧管理,发展电视剧事业,促进社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设,根据《广播电视管理条例》,制定本规定。
第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事电视剧制作、审查、进口、出口、发行、播放等活动,适用本规定。
第三条 从事电视剧制作、审查、发行、播放等活动,必须坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向。
第四条 国家对电视剧制作、进口、发行等环节实行许可制度。禁止出租、出借、出卖、转让或变相转让电视剧各类许可证。
第五条 国家广播电影电视总局负责全国的电视剧管理工作。省级广播电视行政部门依据本规定负责本行政区域内的电视剧管理工作。
第六条 国家对为电视剧事业发展做出显著贡献的单位和个人,给予奖励。

第二章 电视剧的制作
第七条 设立电视剧制作单位,应当经国家广播电影电视总局批准。制作电视剧必须持有《电视剧制作许可证》。
第八条 申请《电视剧制作许可证》,必须符合下列条件:
审批《电视剧制作许可证》, 除依照前款所列条件外,还应当符合国家广播电影电视总局制定的电视剧制作发展规划。
第九条 申请《电视剧制作许可证》,应当按照规定的程序报国家广播电影电视总局审批。
第十条 国家广播电影电视总局对电视剧制作单位和《电视剧制作许可证》实行总量控制,动态管理。
第十一条 制作电视剧实行出品人(即制作单位的法定代表人)负责制。出品人对本电视剧制作单位的全部制作活动负责。
第十二条 省级以上广播电视行政部门通过开展电视剧题材规划,加强对电视剧制作的引导、协调和服务。
第十三条 电视剧制作单位制作重大革命历史题材电视剧,必须按照国家广播电影电视总局的有关规定报批后,方可开展摄制工作。
第十四条 电视剧制作单位应当制作完成国家广播电影电视总局规定数量的国产电视剧后,方可与港澳台或外国合作制作电视剧(以下简称“境内外合作制作电视剧”)。
第十五条 境内外合作制作电视剧分为联合制作、协助制作和委托制作三种形式。
第十六条 聘请境外演职员参与制作国产电视剧,应当按照有关规定报国家广播电影电视总局批准。
第十七条 省(区、市)及其以下的电视剧制作单位需要到境外拍摄电视剧的,应当事先报经本省级广播电视行政部门审核同意后,报国家广播电影电视总局批准;中央和国家机关及其事业单位所属的电视剧制作单位应当报经上级主管部门审核同意后,报国家广播电影电视总局审批。经批准后方可到境外拍摄。
第十八条 电视剧著作权人依法享有其制作的电视剧的著作权。除法律、行政法规另有规定外,任何单位和个人使用电视剧作品,应取得电视剧著作权人的许可。
第十九条 国家鼓励社会各界以投资、资助的方式参与制作电视剧,具体办法由国家广播电影电视总局另行制定。

第三章 电视剧的审查
第二十条 未经省级以上广播电视行政部门设立的电视剧审查机构审查通过并取得《电视剧发行许可证》的电视剧,不得发行、播放、进口、出口。
第二十一条 国家广播电影电视总局设立电视剧审查委员会,负责审查境内外合作制作电视剧、进口电视剧、聘请境外演职员参与制作的国产电视剧、中央单位所属电视剧制作单位制作的以及与地方单位联合制作并使用中央单位《电视剧制作许可证》的电视剧。
第二十二条 电视剧禁止载有下列内容:
第二十三条 国产电视剧制作单位、境内外合作制作电视剧的境内方应当在电视剧制作完成后,按规定报相应的电视剧审查机构审查。
第二十四条 电视剧审查机构应当自收到完备的电视剧报审材料之日起30日内,提出修改、删剪意见或审查结论,并书面通知送审单位。审查通过的,颁发《电视剧发行许可证》。
第二十五条 送审单位对电视剧审查决定不服的,可以自收到审查决定之日起15日内向国家广播电影电视总局电视剧复审委员会提出书面复审申请。电视剧复审委员会应当在收到复审申请及完备的电视剧复审材料之日起20日内作出复审结论,并书面通知申请单位。
第二十六条 已经取得《电视剧发行许可证》的电视剧,在发行、播放、进口、出口时不得更改。确需更改的,应当按规定重新送审。

第四章 电视剧的进口和出口
第二十七条 进口电视剧,由国家广播电影电视总局指定的机构
第二十八条 电视剧制作单位可以出口或委托其他机构出口其制作并取得《电视剧发行许可证》的电视剧。
第二十九条 进口、出口电视剧应当按照国家有关规定到海关办理相关手续。
第三十条 省(区、市)及其以下的单位参加境外的电视展、电视节等涉外电视剧交流活动,应当报经省级广播电视行政部门审核同意后,报国家广播电影电视总局批准。中央和国家机关所属单位直接报国家广播电影电视总局批准。
第三十一条 利用信息网络、卫星等方式进口、传输电视剧的管理办法,由国家广播电影电视总局另行制定。

第五章 电视剧的发行和播放
第三十二条 电视剧制作单位可以发行或委托其他机构按照国家规定发行其制作并取得《电视剧发行许可证》的国产电视剧。
第三十三条  举办国际性、跨省际的电视节、电视剧展,应当报国家广播电影电视总局批准;举办省内的电视节、电视剧展,应当报本省广播电视行政部门批准。
第三十四条 广播电视播出机构应当按照国家的有关法律、法规、规章的规定播放电视剧,并坚持播前审查制度。
第三十五条 电视台每天所播出的每套节目中,进口电视剧不得超过电视剧总播出时间的25%,其中黄金时间(18时至22时)不得超过15%。
第三十六条 已经取得《电视剧发行许可证》的电视剧,国家广播电影电视总局在特殊情况下可以作出责令修改、删剪或停止发行、进口、出口、播放的决定。制作、发行、进口、出口、播出机构必须执行有关决定。

第六章 罚 则
第三十七条 违反本规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府广播电视行政部门责令停止违法活动,给予警告,可以并处3万元以下的罚款:
第三十八条 违反本规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府广播电视行政部门责令停止违法活动,给予警告,没收违法所得,可以并处2万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,由原批准机关吊销许可证:
第三十九条 违反本规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府广播电视行政部门给予警告或者取缔,没收其从事违法活动的专用工具、设备和节目载体,可以并处1万元以上5万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,由原批准机关吊销许可证:
第四十条 国家广播电影电视总局和县级以上地方各级人民政府广播电视行政部门的行政执法人员,在电视剧管理中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法提请有关部门追究刑事责任。

第七章 附 则
第四十一条 用于电视播放的电影故事片,适用本规定。
第四十二条 本规定自发布之日起施行。规章、规范性文件中凡与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。


One thought on “Television Drama Management Regulations

    New Documents | China Copyright and Media (BETA) said:
    January 19, 2011 at 10:56 pm

    […] Television Drama Management Regulations (2000) […]

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