Film Script (Outline) Filing, Film Management Regulations

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State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Decree

(No. 52)

The “Film Script (Outline) Filing, Film Management Regulations” were passed on 3 April 2006 at the Administrative Meeting, are hereby promulgated, and take effect on 22 June 2006.

State Administration of Radio, Film and Television Director: Wang Taihua

22 May 2006

Chapter I: General Provisions

Article 1: In order to standardize and improve film script (outline) filing and film management systems, raise film quality, make film creation flourish, satisfy the broad masses’ spiritual culture needs, move the healthy development of the film sector forwards, according to the “Film Management Regulations”, these Regulations are formulated.

Article 2: The State implements a film script (outline) filing and film examination system. Film scripts (outlines) not having been filed may not be filmed, films not having passed through examination may not be distributed, screened, imported or exported.

Article 3: These Regulations apply to film script (outline) filing, film examination of all sorts of feature films, documentary films, popular science films, cartoons, special subject films (including Sino-foreign coproduced films of all of the above sorts), etc., produced in the territory of the People’s Republic of China and imported film examination.

Article 4: The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (hereafter simply named SARFT) is responsible for film script (outline) filing and film examination management work.

The SARFT Film Examination Committee and Film Re-examination Committee are responsible for film examination.

Provincial-level administrative radio, film and television entities (hereafter named provincial-level radio, film and television entities) may accept SARFT entrustment after application, to establish film examination organs, to be responsible for a examination work of the part of films shot by work units holding a “Film Shooting Permit” in their administrative areas (hereafter simply named local examination).

Chapter II: Film script (outline) filing

Article 5: Film production work units holding a “Film Shooting Permit” and all sorts of film and television culture work units reregistered with local / city level or higher administration of industry and commerce (hereafter simply named film and television culture work units) shooting films, shall before filming commences, submit a film script (outline) to SARFT or the corresponding provincial-level radio, film and television entities implementing local examination for filing.

In cases of joint filming, one of the work units involved shall conduct filing formalities in advance.

Article 6: For conducting film script (outline) filing formalities, the following materials shall be submitted:

(1) a draft film shooting filing report;

(2) one film plot outline of no less than one thousand characters. For all important film characters and plot details involving content in aspects such as foreign relations, ethnicities, religion, military affairs, public security, judiciary, famous historical persons and famous cultural persons, etc. (hereafter simply named special subject films), a film literature script must be provided in triplicate, and the provincial-level or central and State organs’ corresponding controlling entity’s opinion must be sought;

(3) a film script (outline) copyright agreement (authorization) letter;

(4) film and television culture work units applying to obtain a “Film Shooting Permit (Single Film)”, must provide a copy of their business licence to SARFT and fill out an application of a “Film Shooting Permit (Single Film)”.

Article 7: Film script (outline) filing procedure

(1) Film production work units put forward filing with SARFT or a provincial-level radio, film and television entity implementing local examination;

(2) SARFT or the provincial-level radio, film and television entity implementing local examination shall, according to the time limits provided in the “Administrative Licensing Law”, issue a Film Script (outline) Filing Receipt (specimen in attachment);

If an opinion is not put forward within twenty working days, the producing work units may conduct filming  according to the filed film script (outline);

where an opinion of revision or disapproval of filming  is made of a film script (outline), the producing work unit shall be notified in writing within twenty working days;

where the film script needs to request examination and comment from other relevant controlling authorities and experts, the period shall be extended by twenty working days, and the producing work unit shall be notified in writing.

Article 8: Provincial-level radio, film and television entities implementing local examination shall report the film script (outline) filing situation to SARFT; SARFT shall publicise the film script (outline) filing situation at fixed intervals in relevant media.

Article 9: For filming major revolutionary or major history theme films, it is necessary to submit the script for project establishment examination, to be conducted according to SARFT management regulations concerning major revolutionary and major history theme film script project establishment and finished films.

Article 10: For shooting major reference documentary films, it is necessary to submit the script for project establishment examination, according to SARFT management regulations concerning major reference documentary films.

Article 11: For Sino-foreign film coproduction, it is necessary to submit the script for project establishment examination, according to SARFT management regulations concerning Sino-foreign film coproduction.

Chapter III: Film examination

Article 12: The State encourages creation of excellent films with integration of ideological content, artistic quality and enjoyability, close to reality, close to life, close to the masses, benefiting the protection of the healthy upbringing of minors. Vigorously develop advanced culture, support healthy and beneficial culture, strive to transform backward culture, determinedly resist degenerate culture.

Article 13: Films may not contain the following content:

(1) content that defies the basic principles determined in the Constitution;

(2) content that endangers the unity of the nation, sovereignty or territorial integrity;

(3) content that divulges secrets of the State, endangers national security or ad-mages the honour or benefits of the State;

(4) content that incites the nation hatred or discrimination, undermines the soli-rarity of the nations, or infringes upon national customs and habits;

(5) content that propagates evil cults or superstition;

(6) content that disturbs the public order or destroys the public stability;

(7) content that propagates obscenity, gambling, violence or instigates crimes;

(8) content that insults or slanders others, or infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of others;

(9) content that endangers public ethics or the fine folk cultural traditions;

(10) other contents prohibited by laws, regulations or State provisions.

Article 14: Films having the following circumstances, shall be edited or revised:

(1) twisting Chinese culture and Chinese history, gravely violating historical facts; twisting the history of other countries, not respecting other countries’ culture and customs; criticizing images of revolutionary leaders, heroic characters, important historical characters; distorting Chinese and foreign classic books and the images of important characters from classic books;

(2) maliciously criticizing images of the People’s Army, Armed Police, Public Security and the judiciary;

(3) intermittent salaciousness, sex and vulgar content, depicting details such as promiscuity, rape, prostitution, sexual behaviour, homosexuality, masturbation, male and female genitalia and other intimate parts; intermittent filthy lines, songs, background music and sound effects, etc;

(4) intermittent content such as murder, violence, terror, monsters, occultism, etc., value orientations reversing true and false, good and bad, beauty and ugliness, blurring the basic nature of righteousness and unrighteousness; sedulously displaying unlawful or criminal aggressiveness and arrogance, concretely dies-playing details of criminal activities, revealing special investigation methods; having intensely irritating details such as murder, gore, violence, drug use, gambling, etc, having details such as prisoner abuse, extortion of confession by torturing criminals or criminal suspects; having excessively scary or horrible imp-ages, lines, background music and sound effects;

(5) propagating a negative or dispirited view of life, worldview or value system, sedulously playing up or exaggerating ethnic ignorance and backwardness or the dark side of society;

(6) advocating religious extremism, provoking contradictions and conflicts between all religions and religious denominations, or believers and non-believers, harming the feelings of the masses;

(7) propagating the destruction of the natural environment, abuse of animals, catching, killing and eating of State-protected animals;

(8) excessively displaying excessive drinking, smoking and other bad habits;

(9) having violations of the spirit of relevant laws and regulations.

Article 15: Written language characters such as the film signing, subtitles, etc., shall be implemented according to relevant provision of the “Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China”, “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Standard Spoken and Written Chinese Language”, etc.

Article 16: Technical film quality is to be examined according to relevant State film technology standards.

Article 17: The completed film shall be reported to the corresponding film examination organ for examination. For film submission, the following materials shall be provided:

(1) for double-system recording films

1. a set of double recoding tapes (if BETA image tapes are used to substitute double-system tapes for examination, they shall be reported to SARFT separately for approval), for digital film submission, a set of high-definition digital programme tape;

2. for domestic films, an examination submission report in quadruplicate;

3. a list of names of the films’ main creative personnel;

4. a report on the film name’s English translation (generally reported in advance);

5. the original work adaptation opinion letter;

6. the joint production agreement;

7, a complete screenplay set;

8, the “Film Script (Outline) Filing Receipt”.

(2) for standard copies;

1. two sets of standard copies (one copy each for SARFT and the China Film Archives;

2. three sets of 1/2 film tapes (Sino-foreign co-productions: four sets), one set each of Beta image tapes, Beta advertising tapes, final mix eight-track tapes;

3. a standard copy submission for examination and approval technical appraisal letter;

4. music effect materials of films determined as ethnic language-dubbed;

5. three sets of completed screenplays (ethnic language-dubbed films” four sets);

6. relevant stills.

Digital film technological examination standards and material submission, shall be implemented according to relevant SARFT regulations.

Article 18: Film examination procedure:

(1) the producing work unit shall put forward and examination application with the SARFT Film Examination Committee;

(2) the SARFT Film Examination Committee makes an examination decision within twenty working days of receiving the mixed-recording tapes and corresponding materials. Those examined as meeting standards, are issued a “Film Examination Decision Letter” and a “Public Film Screening Permit”. For those examined to not meet standards or needing revision, an explanation shall be made in the “Film Examination Decision Letter”, and the producing work unit shall be notified;

(3) the SARFT Film Examination Committee makes an examination decision within ten working days of receiving standard copies (digital programme tapes) and corresponding materials. Those examined as meeting standards, are issued a “Public Film Screening Permit”; for those examined to not meet standards or needing revision, the producing work unit shall be notified;

(4) for films submitted for examination again, after being examined as not meeting standards or needing revision, the examination time shall be calculated afresh;

(5) producing work units not agreeing with the Film Examination Committee decision, may put forward a re-examination request within thirty working days of receiving the “Film Examination Decision Letter” with the SARFT Film Re-examination Committee. The SARFT Film Re-examination Committee shall make a re-examination decision within twenty working days. Those re-examined as meeting standards, are issued a “Public Film Screening Permit”; of those not meeting standards, the producing work unit shall be notified in writing;

(6) Provincial-level radio, film and television entities implementing local examination, shall according to these Regulations conduct film examination, those examined as meeting standards, are issued a “Film Examination Decision Letter” and a “Standard Copy Submission Technical Appraisal Letter”; those examined as not meeting standards or needing revision, shall be handled according to the relevant provisions of Article 18, Paragraphs (2), (3) and (4) of these Regulations.

Producing work units holding a “Film Examination Decision Letter”, a “Standard Copy Submission Technical Appraisal Letter” and the corresponding documents as provided in Article 17 of these Regulations, go to SARFT to obtain a “Public Film Screening Permit”.

Article 19: When provincial-level radio, film and television entities implementing local examination deem it necessary, they may submit a film application to the SARFT Film Examination Committee for examination.

Where producing work units object to the provincial-level radio, film and television entity’s examination decision, they may request re-examination with the SARFT Film Examination Committee.

Article 20: Jointly produced films are to be submitted for examination to the corresponding film examination organ according to these Regulations by the producing work unit that conducted filing formalities.

Article 21: Major revolutionary and history theme films, major reference documentary films, special subject films and Sino-foreign coproduced films, after preliminary provincial-level radio, film and television entity examination and agreement, are reported to the SARFT film examination organ for examination.

Article 22: Films shot by central and State organs’ subordinate film production work units and work units holding a “Film Shooting Permit (Single Film)” are reported directly to the SARFT Film Examination Committee for examination.

Article 23: Imported film examination is handled according to the relevant provisions of Chapter 4 of the “Film Management Regulations” concerning film import and Chapter III of these Regulations concerning film examination.

Chapter IV: Supplementary Provisions

Article 24: Activities violating these Regulations are to be dealt with according to the “Film Management Regulations” and other relevant laws and regulations.

Article 25: These Regulations take effect on 22 June 2006. The “Film Examination Regulations” (Ministry of Radio, Film and Television Decree No. 22) promulgated by the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television on 16 January 1007, and the “Provisional Film Script (Outline) Project Establishment and Film Examination Regulations” (SARFT Decree no. 30) are abolished at the same time.

(第 52 号)


第一章  总则

第一条 为规范和改进电影剧本(梗概)备案和电影片管理制度,提高电影质量,繁荣电影创作,满足广大群众的精神文化需求,推进电影业健康发展,根据《电影管理条例》,制定本规定。
第二条 国家实行电影剧本(梗概)备案和电影片审查制度。未经备案的电影剧本(梗概)不得拍摄,未经审查通过的电影片不得发行、放映、进口、出口。
第三条 本规定适用于在中华人民共和国境内公映的各类故事片、纪录片、科教片、动画片、专题片(含以上各类型的中外合拍片)等的电影剧本(梗概)备案、电影片审查和进口片审查。
第四条 国家广播电影电视总局(以下简称广电总局)负责电影剧本(梗概)备案和电影片审查的管理工作。

第二章  电影剧本(梗概)备案

第五条 持有《摄制电影许可证》的电影制片单位和在地市级以上工商部门注册登记的各类影视文化单位(以下简称影视文化单位)摄制电影片,应在拍摄前将电影剧本(梗概)送广电总局或相应的实行属地审查的省级广电部门备案。
第六条 办理电影剧本(梗概)备案手续,应当提供下列材料:
第七条 电影剧本(梗概)备案的程序:
第八条 实行属地审查的省级广电部门,应将电影剧本(梗概)备案情况抄报广电总局;广电总局将定期在相关媒体公布电影剧本(梗概)备案情况。
第九条 拍摄重大革命和重大历史题材影片,需报送剧本立项审查,按照广电总局关于重大革命和重大历史题材电影剧本立项及完成片的管理规定办理。
第十条 拍摄重大文献纪录影片,需报送剧本立项审查,按照广电总局关于重大文献纪录影片的管理规定办理。
第十一条 中外合作摄制影片,需报送剧本立项审查,按照广电总局关于中外合作摄制电影片的管理规定办理。

第三章  电影片审查

第十二条 国家提倡创作思想性、艺术性、观赏性统一,贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,有利于保护未成年人健康成长的优秀电影。大力发展先进文化,支持健康有益文化,努力改造落后文化,坚决抵制腐朽文化。
第十三条 电影片禁止载有下列内容:
第十四条 电影片有下列情形,应删剪修改:
第十五条 电影片的署名、字幕等语言文字,应按《中华人民共和国著作权法》、《中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法》等有关规定执行。
第十六条 电影片技术质量按照国家有关电影技术标准审查。
第十七条 摄制完成的电影片应当报相应的电影审查机构审查。送审电影片应当提供下列材料:
第十八条 电影片的审查程序:
第十九条 实行属地审查的省级广电部门认为必要时,可以将送审影片提交广电总局电影审查委员会审查。
第二十条 联合摄制的电影片,由办理备案手续的制片单位按照本规定送相应的电影审查机构审查。
第二十一条 重大革命和重大历史题材影片、重大文献纪录影片、特殊题材影片、中外合作摄制影片,由省级广电部门初审同意后,报广电总局电影审查机构审查。
第二十二条 中央和国家机关所属的电影制片单位和所有持有《摄制电影片许可证(单片)》的单位摄制的影片,直接报广电总局电影审查委员会审查。
第二十三条 进口电影片的审查,按照《电影管理条例》第四章关于电影进口和本规定第三章关于电影片审查的相关条款办理。

第四章  附则

第二十四条 对违反本规定的行为,依据《电影管理条例》和其他有关法律、法规进行处理。
第二十五条 本规定自2006年6月22日起施行。1997年1月16日广播电影电视部发布的《电影审查规定》(广播电影电视部令第22号)、2004年7月6日广电总局发布的《电影剧本(梗概)立项、电影片审查暂行规定》(广电总局令第30号)同时废止。

One thought on “Film Script (Outline) Filing, Film Management Regulations

    New Documents | China Copyright and Media (BETA) said:
    January 19, 2011 at 10:56 pm

    […] Film Script (Outline) Filing, Film Management Regulations (2006) […]

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