SARFT Notice Concerning Strengthening Internet Audiovisual Programme Content Management

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Recently, SARFT has issued the “SARFT Notice Concerning Strengthening Internet Audiovisual Programme Content Management” to all provincial, autonomous region and municipality radio, film and television bureaus, the Xinjiang Production-Construction Corps radio, film and television bureau, saying that in order to strengthen network cultural construction and management, disseminate socialist advanced culture, resist vulgar tendencies in the Internet audiovisual programme area, solidly push forward Internet audiovisual programme construction, now the questions of strengthening Internet (including mobile Internet, hereafter simply named Internet) audiovisual programme content management are notified as follows:

1: On the basis of Article 16 of the “Internet Audiovisual Programme Service Management Provisions”, Internet audiovisual programmes may not contain the following content:

(1) content violating the basic principles provided in the Constitution;

(2) content endangering national unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity;

(3) content revealing State secrets, endangering State security or damaging State prosperity and interests;

(4) content inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, destroying ethnic unity, or violating ethnic customs and habits;

(5) content propagating cults and superstitions;

(6) content disordering social order, destroying social stability;

(7) content inducing minors to commit unlawful acts and crimes and playing up violence, sex, gambling and terrorist activities;

(8) content insulting or slandering others, violating other’s lawful rights such as citizen’s individual privacy, etc;

(9) content endangering social virtue, damaging excellent ethnic cultural traditions;

(10) other content prohibited by relevant laws, regulations and rules, and State provisions.

2: All Internet audiovisual programme service work units must timely conduct editing or deletion of audiovisual programmes with the following circumstances:

(1) those maliciously distorting Chinese culture, Chinese history and historical facts; those maliciously distorting other countries’ history, not respecting human culture, other countries’ culture and social customs and habits;

(2) those with imagery deliberately derogating or vilifying revolutionary leaders, heroic persons, important historical persons, Chinese and foreign famous books and important characters in famous books;

(3) those with imagery maliciously derogating the People’s Army, the Armed Police, Public Security and the judiciary, those having circumstances such as abusing prisoners, extracting confessions by torture from criminals or criminal suspects, etc.;

(4) those with imagery and sounds displaying unlawful and criminal aggressiveness and arrogance, concretely revealing details of criminal activities, revealing special investigation methods, revealing informers and witnesses who should receive protection, etc;

(5) those advocating religious extremism, provoking controversies and conflicts between all religions and religious denominations, and between religious believing masses and non-believing masses, harming the feelings of the masses;

(6) those propagating feudal superstition activities such as physiognomy, fortune telling, geomancy practicing, divination practicing, healing by exorcise, etc.;

(7) those with vile methods depicting calamity scenes such as major natural disasters, accidents, terrorizing incidents, wars, etc.;

(8) those concretely showing circumstances such as promiscuity, rape, incest, necrophilia, prostitution, visiting prostitutes, sexual perversion, masturbation, etc.;

(9) those displaying or obscurely displaying details such as sexual activities, sexual process, sexual methods and excessive bodily contact related to this, etc.;

(10) those intentionally showing, only using the body to cover or using very little cover to cover human private parts;

(11) those containing sexual suggestions, sexual provocations, etc, which easily cause people to make sexual associations;

(12) those propagating unhealthy content such as extramarital affairs, group sex, one-night stands, sexual abuse and wife swapping;

(13) those using adult movies, sexual movies, X-rated movies, voyeurism, indecent exposure, exhibitionism and all sorts of prevocational writing or images to function as audiovisual programme titles or classifications;

(14) those having circumstances such as strongly stimulating murder, blood and gore, violence, suicide, abduction, drug use, gambling, occultism, etc.;

(15) those having excessive scary and terrifying images, subtitles, background music and sound effects;

(16) those concretely showing maltreatment and killing of animals, catching, killing and eating animals protected by the State;

(17) those having content violating individual privacy;

(18) those with an approving and praising tone or in a way that leads people to imitate, showing fights and brawls, humiliation of others, and filthy speech;

(19) those propagating negative or decadent views of life, worldviews and value systems, sedulously playing up and magnifying ethnic ignorance and backwardness or the dark side of society;

(20) audiovisual programmes and films, television programmes and deleted extracts of which the dissemination was prohibited by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television;

(21) those violating the spirit of relevant laws and regulations.

3: Internet audiovisual programme service work units must perfect programme content management systems and emergency handling systems, engage persons of high moral and professional quality to examine and verify, and make final checks, must emphasise final checking of  programme types such as network music videos, comprehensive arts, short films, cartoons, etc., as well as materials such as “self shot”, “hot dance” “beautiful girls”, “let’s laugh”, “originally made” “digital shooting clan”, etc., guarantee that broadcasted programme content does not violate provisions 1 and 2 of this Notice. At the same time, letters of complaint to network users and relevant matters must be timely dealt with.

4, Films and programmes disseminated by Internet audiovisual programme service work units, must conform to relevant provisions of radio, film and television management, and obtain a “Film Projection Permit”, “Television Drama Distribution Permit” or “Television Cartoon Distribution Permit” issued by the administrative radio, film and television entities according to the law; disseminated theoretical cultural or historical films and programmes must obtain a “Theoretical Cultural or Historical Film or Television Programme Broadcast Permit” issued by the administrative radio, film and television entities according to the law. Domestic and foreign films and programmes not having obtained a “Film Projection Permit”, domestic and foreign television programmes not having obtained a “Television Programme Distribution Permit”, domestic and foreign cartoons not having obtained a “Television Cartoon Distribution Permit” and theoretical cultural or historical films and programmes not having obtained a “Theoretical Cultural or Historical Film or Television Programme Broadcast Permit”, may without exception not be disseminated on the Internet.

5: Work units engaging in Internet audiovisual programme service must perfect a programme copyright protection system, strictly respect the provisions of copyright laws and administrative regulations, the disseminated programmes shall possess corresponding copyright. They must adopt copyright protection measures, protect the lawful rights and interests of copyright holders.

All localities’ radio, film and television management entities must administer according to the law, scrupulously perform their duties, realistically strengthen Internet audiovisual programme content management, supervise and urge the audiovisual programme websites to implement this diligently, consciously observe the above provisions, vigorously make effort to construct a harmonious, green network audiovisual programme environment.



One thought on “SARFT Notice Concerning Strengthening Internet Audiovisual Programme Content Management

    […] Information Network Audiovisual Programme Dissemination Management Rules” and the “SARFT Notice Concerning Strengthening Internet Audiovisual Programme Content Management”. Broadcasted films and television dramas must have obtained a “Public Film Screening […]

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